Autism Clothing Adjustments: Empowering Individuals for Comfort

a happy person made out of yarn wearing comfortable clothing, representing autism clothing adjustments

Autistic individuals often have sensory sensitivities that can make wearing certain types of clothing uncomfortable or overwhelming. However, with some adjustments, clothing can be made more comfortable and accessible for individuals with autism. Here are some ideas for autistic clothing adjustment. DIY Autism Clothing Adjustments for Autistic Sensory Needs As a parent or caregiver of […]

Airbnb and Autism: 10 Tips for a Comfortable Stay

Airbnb and Autism: Knitting Together Tips for a Comfortable Stay, Epic Autism

Airbnb is a popular platform for booking vacation rentals and other types of accommodation. However, for some individuals with autism, the process of finding and booking an Airbnb can be overwhelming and stressful. Here are some tips to help make the process easier: 10 Tips for Airbnb and Autism Start by identifying your needs Before […]