Autism Holding Breath: Understanding and Managing this Phenomenon

autism holding breath, understanding autism, epic autism

Autism holding breath, or apnea, is a phenomenon that has been observed in some individuals on the autism spectrum. As autism spectrum disorder (ASD) affects an individual’s ability to communicate and interact with others, people with autism may have difficulty understanding social cues and may have trouble with social interactions, communication, and flexible thinking. Some […]

Am I on the Autism Spectrum? Tips and Resources for Self-Discovery

am i on the autism spectrum, self-discovery, understanding, epic autism

Have you ever thought, “Am I on the autism spectrum?” Many people may not realize that they are on the autism spectrum until later in life. Some may have grown up thinking that their social difficulties or sensory sensitivities were just part of their personality. Others may have been misdiagnosed with other conditions such as […]

Autism and Water Pain in the Morning: Causes and Management

autism and water pain in the morning, tips, causes, strategies, techniques, understanding, epic autism

Autism and water are a complicated combination, as some individuals on the autism spectrum may experience pain or discomfort when drinking water, particularly in the morning. This phenomenon, known as “morning water pain,” is not well understood but has been reported by some individuals on the spectrum. There are several possible causes of this pain, […]

Loving Someone with Autism: A Brief Guide

loving someone with autism, epic autism

Loving someone with autism can be a unique and rewarding experience, but it can also present its own set of challenges. Understanding and accepting the person for who they are, is the first and most important step in building a healthy and loving relationship. Here are some tips to keep in mind when loving someone […]

Hypnosis on Self to Manage Autistic Meltdowns

hypnosis on self to manage autistic meltdowns, epic autism

Hypnosis on self is a powerful technique that can be used to manage intense emotions and reduce stress, including during a meltdown. By using a simple self-hypnosis script like the one below, you can guide yourself into a state of deep relaxation and focus, which can help you manage an autistic meltdown. Simple Script for […]

Autism Meltdown Support: A Guide for Caregivers of Individuals on the Spectrum

Providing autism meltdown support can be challenging, but as a caregiver, you play a crucial role in helping your loved one navigate this difficult experience. Meltdowns can be triggered by a variety of factors, such as changes in routine, sensory overload, or intense emotions. Understanding how to provide effective support during a meltdown can make […]

Autism and Time Perception: Understanding the Time Warp

autism and time perception, understanding the time warp, epic autism

One of the most fascinating and unique aspects of autism is the way that many individuals on the spectrum perceive time. Autism and time perception is one of the most unique and fascinating aspects of the neurodivergence. For many people with autism, time can feel like it moves at a different pace than it does for […]